Saturday, May 16, 2009

Meaningless drivel

I really have very little to blog about. I just spent some time reading other blogs this evening and I realized it's been ages since I wrote myself. Wanna hear something ironic??? For the longest time all I wanted was to quit my job so I could spend more time writing and working on my Pampered Chef business. Well, my last day working for Herzing was March 25. That's a month and a half ago!!! I have blogged ONCE since then. And I haven't written in my journal at all! Neither have I spent much time building my business.

So what have I been doing? The first week or so was a write-off. I was an emotional wreck. I was also a full-time babysitter to my grandson for two weeks. God knew I was meant to be a Bamma, not a daycare, so he performed a miracle. Nicholas was accepted in to a daycare way before we thought possible. So, more time for me to fulfill my goals right? Wrong. Although I have been spending considerable time playing with and caring for Nicholas, I cannot blame him for my laziness. I am in a rut! Perche? you ask..(if you're Italian or work at Herzing that is)

Ah, the lure of television. It has been so long since I've been able to sit in my grubs with a cup of coffee and watch daytime tv. Who says it sucks? Not me. Not anymore. There are so many do-it-yourself programs on HGTV. And I am hooked on the cooking channel! Never mind The View, Regis & Kelly and Rachel Ray. Right now I'm even fascinated with Dr. Phil as he tries to repair parent/child relationships. I have become an addict and I need help! (Maybe I should call Dr. Phil myself, huh?)

Then there is Facebook. Yikes! What a time waster that is. I do quizzes that tell me what colour I am, what my eyes say, (I never knew they said anything) and which princess I am. I know what kind of socks my friend wears, who has a crush on whom in our church youth group, what my kids' friends are up to (although my daughters themselves won't befriend me), what's up with Jon & Kate, and what the weather is like in four different countries. Once in a while I even join the young'uns in a discussion or two. Sometimes I even feel like I'm really part of it, other times they just tolerate me. Like when I suggested to Craig that he should watch Bride Wars instead of Doom of the Dead or something. Not popular.

This is the long weekend. It is flying by. Tomorrow is Sunday already. I still haven't baked anything, vacuumed anything, washed anything, or planted anything. We even had left overs for supper today. And tomorrow night I definitely won't have any spare time. The season finale of Survivor is on for crying out loud! I do have my priorities straight, you know.

But now at least I can say I have written something. Meaningless drivel, but it's here in black and white. I think I might need to get a job to get into a routine. I actually have an interview next week. Part of me would rather stay at home with C,C &C. (Cable, Coffee & Computer) But of what good am I to others this way? Maybe if I watch Oprah, she can tell me...

Until next time,
She who has Happy eyes!
(even when the brain is sleeping and the heart is weeping)