Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday, Monday, ba da bada ba-da..

It's Monday. Most people dislike Monday. It's the day after a relaxing Sunday. It's the first day of the week that most of us have to get up early and go to work. Morning traffic can be aggrivating on a Monday. Clients, students and customers line up to see you on Monday because "heaven forbid" you weren't available for two whole days in a row. And last but not least, Monday is the day that you sit and wish you'd gotten so much more accomplished over the past weekend.

Monday can be guilt inducing, exhausting, irritating and down right depressing. So I was somewhat delighted to see Pastor Steve's Facebook post this morning. Apparently, he thinks Mondays are great. Way to be positive!

I decided to make a list of reasons Monday is the day of the week. Please consider the following positive take on the most despised day of the week, and see if your day improves.

  1. Hmmm...where to begin...let's see...YES! Monday gives you a chance to re-connect with the co-workers you've missed so much over the weekend.

  2. New beginnings are always good...and Monday starts a new, fresh, let's-try-this-again week for us.

  3. On Monday you can take it a smidgen easy at work (why do you think I'm blogging...) because you know you have four more days to get your weekly work done.

  4. Monday brings you back in to routine, and if your routine involves a double-double on the way to work, well hey, that's something to cheer for!

  5. Monday is a good day not to do housework because noone's likely to stop by until the weekend. (Again with the four more days thing.)

  6. Usually, all the laundry is done by Monday so there are fresh clothes to wear. (Except for today..I quickly threw a load in before work, but not in time. I am wearing my all-to-tight emergency pants. Not comfortable whatsoever!)

  7. You can feel good knowing no one at work won the 649 over the weekend since they all showed up for work. (Imagine being the one left behind if you weren't part of the "pool".)

  8. It's not quite as annoying to receive those early morning phone-calls because you weren't going to sleep in anyhow.

  9. If you don't have money to go out for breakfast - meh - no big deal. Who has time for breakfast on Monday anyway?

  10. For me, this is the best part of Mondays: our little grandson moves back in with us for the week, so I'll be greeted by his huge grin when I arrive home after a hard days work. Just that makes Mondays great!

Yepp, Pastor Steve, you are dead on!


Kim's Kraziness said...

You are too funny! I would have never thought of half of those reasons!!

Anonymous said...

great thought Liz - the cup can be either half full or half empty... thanks for reminding us that it's better to look at it half full!

Big Daddy said...

Hello Liz. Blogging seems to be the thing. Enjoyed reading your thoughts.