Friday, October 23, 2009

Just wondering...

I'm sitting here and my heart is heavy. Actually, not really heavy; just sad. I'm trying to figure out why some people have to act in such hurtful ways. Do we really need to tear others down to feel better about ourselves? Is it necessary to laugh at others to feel closer to each other? Why are we so quick to judge and criticize when we have no idea what another person's motives might be?

We all have insecurities and we all cope with those in different ways. Some gossip, some lash out, some write, some use humour, some cry, some hide, some pretend to be happy, some exercise, some drink, some eat and others diet. Those more mature don't try to cover up their insecurities Instead they admit their issues and let others know they are not alone in their pain.

This world is a hard enough place. We need to stop judging one another. And just because we see things differently, we do not have to deliberately knock one another down or attempt to hurt someone.

I wish everyone could just be honest with each other and talk face to face. I know it's a lot to ask; it takes courage to say to someone "I'm having a problem with you." But it's better than talking behind someone's back without knowing what's behind the other person's actions. We, especially as women, need to be on each others team. Not necessarily agreeing all the time, but at least standing up for each other in love. It's important to have faith in others and give people the benefit of doubt.

I just wonder how much easier our lives would be if we weren't so insecure and could just laugh at our own folly once in a while. Be brave, be honest and above all be forgiving.

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